Three Questions that can change the world
#1) Things you need to know:
·The answers to these questions can solve every problem in our world
·You have already answered these questions
·If you are: Unhappy, Unfulfilled, Disappointed, Discouraged, disillusioned,
Angry, Afraid, Not Joyful or at peace….
(You’ve already answered these questions. You just answered them WRONG!)
1st Question: Who are you, Lord? Acts 9:5 Saul/Paul
·Saying I know God is similar to saying I know the world!
·College Professors around the world are teaching people about a God they
don’t know!
· From front to back, God’s desire is for you to know him!!
(Depart from me “I never knew you!!!)
John 17:3: “This is eternal life….”
·Knowing and believing God’s love (Makes your love Perfect/Mature)
1st John 4:16, 17
·Need more Grace and Peace? Get to know God
(2nd Peter 1:2)
·Do you understand God’s Holiness?
·Do you know God has a sense of humor?
2nd Question: Who am I, Lord? Exodus 3:11
·The best thing you can say about you is what God has to say about you!
· More valuable than you think you are!
· More Important than you think you are!
· More Necessary and needed than you think you are!
(No matter what the Government says!!)
· Smarter than you think you are!
Ex. The smartest man in hell
(If Jesus was all the world needed, the world would have no needs!!
You are the answer to the problems of the world!!!
God has chosen to heal and restore the world through us.
Ex. How shall they hear without a preacher
3rd question: Why am I here? What’s my purpose?
·Two great days in a persons life!
·You were created on purpose for a purpose (Eccl.3:1)
·You are perfectly designed to fulfill your purpose
“Purpose precedes design”
John 17:4 “Father, I have glorified you on the earth, I have finished the work you gave me to do”
·Be light in the darkness
·Be a representative of God to the world
·Love God Love people